The Body Corporate of Marsh Rose v Steinmuller and Others (149/2022) [2023] ZASCA 143 (2 November 2023)

Understanding the Role of Body Corporates in South African Property Law: Insights from a Recent Supreme Court of Appeal Judgment

The South African property landscape is complex and multifaceted, with various stakeholders playing critical roles in the ownership and management of property. One such stakeholder is the body corporate, which is integral to the management of sectional title schemes. A recent judgment by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) in the case of The Body Corporate of Marsh Rose v Steinmuller and Others (149/2022) [2023] ZASCA 143 (2 November 2023) provides valuable insights into the legal principles governing body corporates and their powers.

The Embargo Provision and Sectional Titles Act

At the heart of this case is the interpretation of Section 15B(3)(a)(i)(aa) of the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, commonly referred to as the "embargo provision." This provision allows a body corporate to withhold a clearance certificate, which is necessary for the transfer of a unit within a sectional title scheme, until all monies owed to it are paid or satisfactory arrangements for payment are made.

The Case at Hand

The case arose when Mr. Steinmuller purchased a property at a sale in execution, which had been attached by Standard Bank. The Body Corporate of Marsh Rose, however, had a pre-existing judgment against the previous owner for outstanding levies and other charges. When Mr. Steinmuller sought to transfer the property into his name, the body corporate demanded payment of these outstanding amounts before issuing a clearance certificate.

The Legal Battle

Mr. Steinmuller challenged the body corporate's demand, leading to litigation that culminated in the SCA. The crux of the matter was whether Mr. Steinmuller, as the purchaser at a sale in execution, could compel the body corporate to issue the clearance certificate by providing security for the disputed amount.

The Supreme Court of Appeal's Judgment

The SCA's judgment clarified that the body corporate's statutory right to withhold the clearance certificate remains unaffected by the contractual obligations between the purchaser and the sheriff at a sale in execution. The court held that the body corporate is not a party to the sale agreement and that its right to ensure payment of all monies due is protected by the embargo provision.

Implications for Body Corporates and Purchasers

This judgment underscores the importance of understanding the legal framework within which body corporates operate. It reaffirms the body corporate's right to secure the financial interests of the sectional title scheme and its members. For purchasers, it serves as a reminder to be cognizant of the potential liabilities attached to properties within sectional title schemes, particularly when purchasing at sales in execution.

Ratio Decidendi

The core legal principle underlying the decision, or the ratio decidendi, is that a body corporate's statutory right to withhold a clearance certificate under the embargo provision of the Sectional Titles Act is a protective measure that ensures the payment of all monies due to the body corporate by the owner of a unit within a sectional title scheme. This right is not altered or diminished by the contractual relationship between a purchaser at a sale in execution and the sheriff. The body corporate is entitled to refuse to issue a clearance certificate until its statutory conditions are met, irrespective of any contractual obligations that may exist between other parties involved in the sale of the property. The body corporate's right to secure its financial interests is paramount and cannot be overridden by the purchaser's contractual rights arising from the conditions of sale at a public auction.

Supreme Court of Appeal applied several legal principles

Statutory Embargo Provision: The court applied the principle that the statutory embargo provision in Section 15B(3)(a)(i)(aa) of the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986 serves as a protective measure for body corporates to ensure the recovery of monies owed to them. This provision allows a body corporate to withhold a clearance certificate until all monies due to it by the owner of a unit have been paid or satisfactory arrangements for payment have been made.

Contractual Obligations at Sale in Execution: The court considered the nature of contractual obligations arising from a sale in execution, noting that the purchaser's obligations are to the sheriff and not to the body corporate. The court referred to the case of Ivoral Properties (Pty) Ltd v Sheriff, Cape Town, and Others, 2005 (6) SA 96 (C), which clarified the sheriff's role as an executive of the law and the contractual relationship between the sheriff and the purchaser.

Legal Costs as Part of Monies Due: The court applied the principle that legal costs incurred by a body corporate in recovering amounts due form part of the monies that must be paid before a clearance certificate can be issued. This was established in the case of Barnard NO v Regspersoon van Aminie en ‘n ander [2001] 3 All SA 433 (A), which held that the legislature intended to give effective protection to body corporates, including the recovery of legal costs.

Rights of Body Corporates in Insolvency: The court referred to the case of First Rand Bank Limited v Body Corporate: Geovy Villa (Geovy Villa) [2004] 1 All SA 259 (SCA), which discussed the operation of the embargo provision in the context of insolvency and the body corporate's preferential right to payment before transfer of property.

Vital Purpose of Statutory Embargoes: The court cited the case of Willow Waters Homeowners Association (Pty) Ltd v Koka NO and Others [2014] ZASCA 220; 2015 (5) SA 304 (SCA); [2015] 1 All SA 562 (SCA), which recognized the vital purpose served by statutory embargoes as effective security for debt recovery and the economic viability of municipalities and bodies corporate.

Direct and Substantial Interest Test: In allowing the National Association of Managing Agents NPC (NAMA) to intervene, the court applied the test for intervention, which requires the applicant to show a direct and substantial interest in the subject matter of the case. This principle was articulated in the Constitutional Court case of South African Riding for the Disabled Association v Regional Land Claims Commissioner and Others [2017] ZACC 4; 2017 (5) SA 1 (CC); 2017 (8) BCLR 1053 (CC).


The SCA's decision in The Body Corporate of Marsh Rose v Steinmuller is a significant one, as it reinforces the legislative protections afforded to body corporates in South Africa. It also highlights the need for purchasers to conduct thorough due diligence before acquiring property, especially in a sectional title context. As the South African property landscape continues to evolve, the role of body corporates and the legal principles that govern them remain pivotal in maintaining the balance of interests among various stakeholders in the property sector.